Do you want to receive Rice or Cash?
Avail now to our newest promo “MAG-IPON AT MANALO”
Promo no. 1
Time Depositors who will deposit ₱100,000.00 and above will receive an Instant Freebies of 25 kilos of Rice!
(Up to 20 sacks of rice depending on the depositors total amount of deposit)
Promo no. 2
Time Depositors who will deposit ₱100,000.00 below will receive an Instant Freebies of 5 kilos of Rice!
(Up to 5 sacks of rice depending on the depositors total amount of deposit).
Promo no. 3
For every ₱1,500,000.00 time deposit – Time Depositors will receive an Instant Freebies of 25 kilos of Rice per month good for 1 year!
(Up to 12 sacks of rice in 1 year).
Promo no. 4
BUGEMCO Members who can recruit Time Depositors shall be entitled a commission up to ₱5,000.00!
(Depending on the depositors total amount of deposit).
Note: Promo will run from April 3 – December 31, 2023 only!
To know more, please call the branch where you belong or directly visit us at any BUGEMCO Branches!
(Note: BUGEMCO’s Official Facebook Page “BUGEMCO” was hacked and renamed to “FOREX FOR YOU”
Please help us report the account to avoid possible unauthorized and malicious transactions. For the meantime please unfollow this page and follow us @BUGEMCOofficial2023 or click B U G E M C O.
Salamat sa Gugma!
BUGEMCO “Making Lives Better”